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Native Americans!

The Regulators!
Groups in this conflict

This conflict was between the people of the Carolina colonies and the government officials. The people of the colonies thought that that the government officials were misusing their authority.



The regulators was a conflict in the carolina colonies, it started in 1768.



The Chinooks lived along the Columbia River. Which is in Washington and Oregon.

​Where did the chinooks live?

The Chinooks were not nomadic. They lived in houses made out of wood, but had no windows. The houses were built over holes dug into the earth. 

Style of homes:
  • Furs

  • Shells

  • Prisoners/slaves

Important Products
About the tribe

The chinooks were a widespread tribe, and had many vilages. Each village had its own cheif

  • Jewlery 

  • Baskets 

  • copper

Use of the land


They made great use of the ocean and rivers near them. They became skilled fishermen, and navigators. 



This tribe is worth knowing because they were amazing traders, and also becuase the Chinook people had flat foreheads! and wore little to no clothes even in cold weather.


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