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Quartering Act (1765)

In March 1765, Great Britian would house British soldiers in American barracks and houses. This was called the Quartering Act. 


The British were asserting their power over the American colonies by stationing troops in the colonies. 


What did the policy do?

Parliament made a law that colonists had* to house the British soldiers. 


The British wanted to cut costs, so the colonists were in charge of paying for provisions. This was becuase the British were in debt from the French and Indian war. 


By having the British soldiers stationed in America, The American colonists had "protection" from any threats

Who Was Most Affected By Legislation?

The Colonists were the most affected by the legislation. The British ended salutary deglect. So, the colonists were not governing themselves anymore.

How Did the Colonists Respond?

Resistance from colonists was strongest in New York. They deeply resented this because the colonists believed that the British were there to keep the Americans in line. The colonists were very concerned about each act, and expecialy the soldiers.

The act expired in 1770.

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